Thank you to all who have endorsed Christy and recognized her commitment to the community and her leadership abilities. They include:

Thank You for your vote of confidence!
We're continuing to update our list of awesome supporters. If you would like to be included submit your name below:
Frank Garcia
Amaris Garcia
Alan Henry
Albert & Janie Castaneda
Angela Hightower
Anna Tijerina Carrizales
Art Cuevas
Alice & Ray Lozada
Barry Orr
Benny & Adela Brito
Butch & Dale Garcia
Celeste Aguilar
David Langston
Dr. Bill Dean
Dr. Gonzalo Ramirez
Epifanio Aguirre Sr.
George R Hardberger
Monica Velez
Gilbert & Kathy Flores
Gilbert Herrera
Jack Bell
Jesse Madrid
Jessica Gauna
Joe & Linda Landin
John & Sara Silva
Jonathan Phillips
Josie & Raul Alvarado
Jose J. Martinez
Josh Ortiz
Juanema Christensen
Julio & Rosa Llanas
Larry Lovato
Leo Flores
Linda Deleon
Lupe Carrillo
Marc McDougal
Maria Palomo
Maria Rangel
Maria Sanchez
Mark & Armida Miralles
Monica Mojica
Monica Velez
Nick Muniz
Paul Ruiz
Peter Laverty
Rachel Lopez
Rafael Gutierrez
Reynaldo Martinez
Robert Ramirez
Robert Wood
Rose Mary Cardenas
Rosemary Rosales
Rufus & Julia Carrillo
Silvia G Rivera
Velma Medina

Monica Velez wrote ~ "My dear friend Christy Martinez-Garcia is running for City Council District 1 in Lubbock, Texas. Christy was one of my first female bosses when I lived in Lubbock. She was an amazing boss. She actively listened and was supportive always. Over time she became a mentor to me - the first positive Hispanic woman I had in my life. Proud of our heritage and constantly lifting our community up. I never heard her speak of anyone negatively or criticize anyone. I watched as she built her passion into life with Latino Lubbock Magazine and continued to empower and lift our communities. She joined us in our journey of grief and honoring my family. She did so with integrity and respect for our family always. Not only our family but all our families of the fallen she has compassionately shared and honored their sacrifice. I wish I lived in Lubbock to rally behind her and cast my vote! There is no one I can think of that can represent our community better than her. Our family supports you and stands behind you. Vote for Christy Martinez-Garcia for City Council District 1."
Nick Muniz wrote ~ "Let's talk about this awesome lady! As a first-generation college student, I had absolutely no mentors to help me navigate my experience. Christy Martinez-Garcia for Lubbock City Council District 1 at Latino Lubbock Magazine welcomed me with open arms. A summer internship turned into a four-year internship and I made an awesome mentor and friend along the way. The people of District 1 and the Guadalupe Neighborhood would be honored to have her serve us. Get out on April 25th for early voting and show your support!"
Josh Ortiz wrote ~ "806 family, and especially those living in District 1, let’s rally support in getting to the polls in record numbers and vote for Christy Martinez-Garcia! Her legacy of leadership, passion for the advancement of the community, and tenacity to advocate for opportunities for her citizens are noticeable throughout her career of serving others. Go Christy go!"
First on the ballot, First for YOU!