Leadership Ready to Listen, Deliver Results, and Advocate for District 1 and Our Community
God’s timing is everything.
On several occasions, I’ve been encouraged to run for office, but the timing wasn’t right. Today, however, I truly believe that God has aligned everything in my life for me to run for Dist. 1 City Council.
My grandfather instilled in me to never forget your community. He also reminded me to never forget where I came from. And believe you me, I never have. My humble beginnings growing up in the Arnett Benson neighborhood were around many family members and lifelong friends.
As some of you may know, my experience includes working for the City of Lubbock as a Public Information Officer handling and participating in several public affairs projects like the FEMA Project Impact Grant, which was a project that helped to build a disaster-resistant and prepared community. I also handled the marketing for the Census Complete Count Committee making sure everyone had the chance to be counted and to bring awareness of the significance of the Census. I also had the opportunity to work on the Citizen’s Survey, which gave citizens an opportunity to rank their needs. I also established the City Speakers Bureau to connect city staff to citizens and to put a face on what is often considered a faceless bureaucracy. I even had a chance to work on the City’s Y2K public information campaign, which actually prepared our community for anything emergency. These are just some examples to name a few.
As can be seen that training provided me the foresight to address concerns of the pandemic that struck our community hard in 2020. I don't have all the answers, but I'm willing to listen, learn, and advocate for District 1, More importantly, advocating for you.
I’m asking for your vote and support to represent you and advocate on the needs of the people and not the politicians.